There are small number of changes to be aware of when importing REALbasic 5.5 projects into REALbasic 2005. Primarily a number of things have been deprecated. This means that while the old keywords continue to work we recommend switching to the new keywords because the old ones may be removed in the future. A list of these changes is below. The introduction of these new keywords may possibly cause conflicts if you had used these as variables or method names. The most likely to cause problems are "closebutton" and the new reserved word "property". Also, as of REALbasic 2005 the CellBackGroundPaint event will fire for all cells. This change finally allows you to paint alternating rows even if a listbox isn't completely full. In the rare case where you have used 'cell' or 'celltag' in this event you now need to check that the row and column are in bounds before accessing these properties. [Dep] [All] Window: Deprecated GrowIcon, please use Resizeable instead. Deprecated ZoomIcon, please use MaximizeButton instead. Deprecated CloseBox, please use CloseButton instead. Deprecated AcceptMacDataDrop, please use AcceptRawDataDrop instead. [Dep] [All] Serial: Deprecated the Port property, please use the SerialPort propety instead. Note that you should always display some UI to allow the user to choose which port to use since serial ports are different on every machine. [Dep] [All] MenuItem: Deprecated CommandKey, please use KeyboardShortcut instead. [Dep] [All] LittleArrows: Deprecated the LittleArrows control, please use the UpDownArrows control instead. [Dep] [All] Intrinsic Functions: Deprecated IsCMMClick, please use IsContextualClick. Deprecated AppleMenuFolder with no replacement. Deprecated ExtensionsFolder with no replacement. Deprecated ControlPanelsFolder with no replacement. [Dep] [All] DragItem: Deprecated MacDataAvailable, please use RawDataAvailable instead. Deprecated MacData, please use RawData instead. Deprecated PrivateMacData, please use PrivateRawData instead. [Dep] [All] ContextualMenu: Deprecated UseCMM, please use UseMacCMM instead. [Dep] [All] ChasingArrows: Deprecated the ChasingArrows control. Please use the ProgressWheel control instead. [Dep] [All] Clipboard: Deprecated MacDataAvailable, please use RawDataAvailable instead. Deprecated MacData, please use RawData instead. Deprecated AddMacData, please use AddRawData instead. [Dep] [All] Compiler Constants: Deprecated TargetPPC, please use TargetMacOSClassic instead. Deprecated Target68K without replacement.